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How to Establish Healthy Habits in Addiction Recovery

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How to Establish Healthy Habits in Addiction Recovery


Adopting a healthy lifestyle is vital to maintaining sobriety and overcoming addiction. Healthy habits will empower you to resist temptation, boost your self-esteem, and cope with difficult emotions that might otherwise drive you toward relapse. Building healthy daily habits is all about creating a positive new life for yourself. From starting your day off right with a healthy breakfast to getting outside for a regular walk, here are a few great lifestyle habits that will set you up for success in recovery, courtesy of A Holistic Alternative!


Follow a Morning Routine


How you start your day will dictate how the rest of your day goes. Pay attention to how you spend those few hours after waking. Do you lay in bed and hit snooze? Scroll on social media while drinking coffee for breakfast? These activities can leave you feeling depleted and groggy before the day even begins.


Instead, use the mornings to fuel yourself and get in the right mental space to face the demands of the day. Drink a glass of water, do some stretches, and eat a nourishing breakfast. Read a few pages of an inspirational book or spend some time meditating instead of looking at your phone. These actions will ensure you always start your day with a calm, clear mind.


Limit Time on Social Media


Limiting the amount of time you spend on social media can improve your mental health and make your recovery much easier. explains that social media has a tendency to hurt our self-esteem, attention span, ability to focus, and even our sense of self.


Research shows that quitting social media for just one week can lead to significant improvements in depression, anxiety, and general well-being! Plus, you’ll have much more time for positive activities like hobbies and exercise.


Try Meditation


Many people face anxiety in recovery. Practicing healthy ways of dealing with anxiety is essential for avoiding addictive coping behaviors. Meditation is one such healthy activity that can make it easier to deal with everyday anxiety.


According to Verywell Mind, mindfulness-based meditation involves training the brain to be aware of the present moment without feeling negative about what’s going on. Mindfulness meditation is great for detaching yourself from anxious thoughts through acceptance rather than avoidance.


Get Outside for a Daily Walk


Exercise is another great stress-management activity. Particularly outdoor exercise. Make a point of going for a walk outside every day, even if it’s just around the block. Moving your body will encourage your brain to release feel-good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins. At the same time, spending time outside will help you soak up vitamin D from the sun, an essential vitamin that plays an important role in regulating mood.


Fill Your Time With a New Hobby


Finding an enjoyable hobby can help you fill your time in recovery and direct your attention toward something you feel passionately about. Think about something you’ve always wanted to learn or try, whether it’s knitting, playing an instrument, gardening, or photography.


If you’re entrepreneurial-minded, try picking up a hobby that can generate some income. Learn to code, start a YouTube channel, or sell handmade crafts online. Few things are more rewarding than practicing and improving at something you want to be good at!


Get Down to Business


There are many advantages you will gain from a business of your own, but you need to begin on the right foot. That means choosing a business structure and registering with your state. For the sake of simplicity, many people register as an LLC. This limits your personal liability should your business get into trouble. There are other advantages, too, relating to taxes and growth. Plus, it’s easy to start an LLC in California with ZenBusiness. This reputable formation service will tackle all the red tape for you, so you can get down to the business of making money. 


Establishing healthy habits is essential to the success of your recovery. Start your day with an energizing morning routine, get out for a daily walk under the sun, try meditation when you’re feeling stressed, and avoid social media as much as possible. Look for a hobby you enjoy, and consider turning it into a business of your own. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel after practicing these habits for just a few days!

Article written by Amber Speck of Here’s a short story about her:
Writing about recovery saved Amber Speck’s life. After four years of sobriety, she is
ready to share her story and hopes doing so will inspire and help others. That’s why she
created Writing played a major role in her recovery, guiding her
on the journey to learning how to love herself again. She knows writing can play an
essential therapeutic role for others in recovery. On her website, she provides
information on how to get started putting pen to paper. Her book, Pen to Paper: How
Writing About Recovery Saved My Life, will be out in 2019.

Ways You Can Be Kinder to Yourself Through Budget-Friendly Self-Care

08/28/2021 Photo via Unsplash



If you think of self-care as self-indulgent nonsense, it might be high time to change your mindset and see self-care for what it really is — a necessity in this stressful and frenetic world. In fact, self-care is exactly what the doctor ordered, with benefits ranging from improved mental clarity and focus to increased productivity and a much-needed boost to your immune system.


Now, contrary to popular belief, self-care doesn’t even require a lot of time and money. As surprising as it may be, you can actually create your own self-care routine for less than you expect, or better yet, without spending a dime. Here are a few suggestions to get you started, presented by A Holistic Alternative.




Meditation, as a practice, has been around for thousands of years. There are very good reasons why the ancients swear by it, so it’s no surprise that it’s a very important part of self-care.


In a nutshell, meditation is a technique that focuses your breath and attention to bring about calmness and inner peace. The best thing about it is it takes no more than a few minutes of your time each day to perform. Not only that, while there are smartphone apps that help you do it right, it’s still something that you can do on your own, wherever and whenever.




Self-care is all about pause and self-expression. It’s for these reasons that the very act of creation is a great method of self-care — and this need not be complicated in the slightest. For some people, this can be as easy as taking the time to jot down their thoughts in a journal. For others, it could entail baking a cake or knitting.




Exercise is crucial to self-care — that’s a fact. While the physical benefits are well-known, the mental effects are just as intense. It can even be a great outlet for your emotions, which then makes it an effective way to reduce stress.


Yoga, in particular, goes hand-in-hand with self-care. As a practice, yoga is all about self-acceptance and self-discovery, which are among the very tenets of self-care. And as it stills the mind and calms the soul, yoga also works to improve your flexibility, strength, and digestion, to name a few, making it an effective vehicle for self-improvement, as well.


Head Outdoors


There’s really no better healer than Mother Nature, which is why outdoor time is also one of the best forms of self-care. The beauty of this is there are no limits to what you can do outdoors, so you can pretty much satisfy whatever it is that your soul is craving, whether it be a relaxed hike or picnic or a more power-packed run to get the blood pumping.


Stay In


If the season is all wrong, or if spending time outdoors is just not your cup of tea, then there’s no reason not to indulge in the exact opposite. In fact, a “staycation” is perfect for self-care, as it lets you get away from “real life” for a spell and enjoy all the trappings and comfort of a vacation without the myriad stresses of travel. Just make sure you keep your home clean and decluttered during your stay-in vacation; if you fail to address the clutter, then you may end up with a home that’s filled with stress, anxiety, and negative energy.


Want to enjoy a staycation but you’d really like to get away from home for a bit? Look into a vacation rental property in an area of San Diego that appeals to you. There’s a lot to see and do around the city (the Birch Aquarium and San Diego Zoo, for example), and staying somewhere close to the attractions you want to visit can make you feel like you’re “getting away from it all.”


Do Nothing


Of course, don’t disregard the utter bliss of doing nothing, which is arguably the ultimate indulgence there is, making it a really great thing to have in your self-care arsenal. The sheer beauty of this is that by doing nothing, you can do just about anything you want, whether it’s lying on the couch and bingeing on TV shows or taking your sweet time to nurse a cuppa.


Indeed, everybody needs self-care. Yes, even you! So, show yourself some kindness and give in to what your mind, body, and soul need. With so many ways to do so without breaking the bank, there’s really no excuse not to.




Brad Krause, after spending most of his time in a corporate setting and neglecting his own self-care far too long, has embraced his calling and decided to become a full-time life coach. He is now spending the rest of his life helping people get a better foothold on their wellness above all else.

For more self-care ideas, you may visit Brad's website at






4 Financial Planning Steps That Can Help Parents and The Plane​t


Photo Credit: Unsplash


Becoming a parent has a way of shifting your entire world. It can also change your finances in some pretty big ways, which means going back to the drawing board when it comes to money management. Financial planning can help you navigate parenthood with less stress, but if you do it correctly, it can also help you reduce your impact on the world around you. So if you are looking for ways to boost your finances and protect the environment for future generations, including your own children, here are some simple changes you can consider.


Going Green Can Put More Green in Your Wallet


If you are looking for ways to trim your budget, then you should trim wasteful habits around your home. Making these changes to your home can make it easier to save for your family and to save the environment as well. Some painless steps you can take include conserving more water by taking shorter showers, enhancing energy efficiency by changing light bulbs, and improving home insulation by investing in storm windows. Eliminating plastic products from your home can also be a good way to save money and reduce your impact on the environment. By putting a little more effort into making your own cleaning products or installing a water filter in your home, you can reduce your reliance on single-use plastics and lower your spending on these items.


Giving Up Other Habits Can Enhance Your Savings


Financial planning for parents tends to be geared more toward saving for the future. Parents have a lot of things to save for, from retirement to education to emergencies, which makes it even more imperative that they stick to a consistent budget. Still, carrying on with your regular routine can make it more difficult to grow those all-important savings accounts, especially if your daily routine includes buying pricey coffee drinks or treating yourself to lunch.

If you want to save more for your family’s future, think about breaking old habits and bringing your food and drink to work. Even carrying a reusable water bottle or instituting a waiting period for both large and small purchases can help curb excess spending, plus making these small changes to your habits can be beneficial for the environment. Also, if you’re of a mind to buy your first home, a lot of your extra savings can go toward putting money away for a down payment. The more you save and apply toward a down payment, the lower your monthly payments and interest rate.


Growing a Garden Can Reduce Your Grocery Bill


Another eco-friendly way you can curb your spending habits and achieve your financial goals is to grow your own food. That may sound too complicated for busy parents, but growing a garden doesn’t have to be an overwhelming project. Even if you don’t have a lot of space in your yard, you can use container gardens to grow your very own organic produce, which will help you cut down on spending and will help reduce the impact that your grocery store trips have on the environment. One of the most pressing issues impacting our ecosystems is the greenhouse gases produced by commercial agriculture. So if you can’t grow your own garden to reduce your role in this harmful cycle, at least consider making more responsible food choices that encourage the agriculture industry to go green.


Giving Priority to Retirement Can Protect Your Kids


When you were preparing for life as a parent, you likely started thinking of ways to prepare for the future costs of your child’s education. Paying for education is certainly something that parents need to think about when mapping out their finances, but honestly, it shouldn’t be your first financial priority. While there are alternative ways to cover the costs of education, including scholarships, grants, and even loans if needed, there are far fewer options for covering your retirement costs. In fact, making sure you have enough for retirement can provide a more stable financial future for your children as well, since they won’t have to support you.

Adjusting your financial plan to fit your role as a parent can be simple, but so can adjusting your role in protecting the environment. With some effortless financial steps and changes to your routine, you can reach your financial goals while making eco-friendly choices.




Sara Bailey hopes that by sharing her journey of grief she can provide insight and hope for others who experience loss. After losing her husband, Greg, she created as a way to share her unexpected journey of learning to be the best parent (and person) she can be while nurturing her grief.

Give Yourself


Care You Need

Squeeze in Exercise

It may seem counterintuitive that moving your body would give you more energy, but that’s precisely what it does. Check out these workouts from Prevention that only take five to 10 minutes out of your busy schedule. They also require very little in the way of equipment, and can be done right at home.

Improve Your Diet

Eating better means adding more nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, veggies, and legumes, to your plate. If you have no time to spare in the kitchen, there are meal delivery services that do the work for you. Many even address special dietary needs while letting you determine how often you need healthy lunches or dinners brought to your door.

Image via Pixabay.


Stay Hydrated

When you’re really going through the wringer, hours go by without a glass of water. That can leave you feeling sleepy and struggling with a headache when you least need it. There’s a simple solution that only costs a few dollars: a water bottle. Carry it wherever you go, and take sips regularly rather than waiting until you’re parched.

Practice Meditation

There are meditation sequences that only take five minutes, so being too busy is hardly an excuse not to give this ancient practice a try. What’s even better is that regular sessions can lead to an overall resilience to stress, which means you’ll accept what’s worrying you before shrugging it off and getting on with your life, according to Verywell Mind.

Focus on Breathing

Though it seems hard to believe, you may be breathing incorrectly. Like many people, you probably inhale and exhale quickly when you’re stressed. When you’re feeling anxious, slow it down to about five gentle breaths per minute, and you’ll notice a calming effect that allows you to concentrate on what you’re doing and feel better while you’re doing it.

Get Some Sunshine

The sun’s healing power is much more than just poetic fancy. Studies show that sunshine actually boosts the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, or sometimes referred to as a neurochemical, that’s linked with happiness and positivity. What’s more, regular exposure helps regulate your sleeping cycle, so you’re able to get to bed on time without all the tossing and turning.

Relax in the Evening

Relaxing before going to bed is another way to smooth the way to a night of peaceful slumber. If you need some suggestions on how to unwind, MindBodyGreen has a few. They include simple ideas like dimming the lights and sipping herbal tea. Better yet, treat yourself to a few inexpensive bathroom upgrades that will make you feel like you’re at a spa retreat, like painting it light blue and adding a painting of a natural landscape, and treat yourself to a facial or bubble bath before bedtime.

Ask for a Helping Hand

Pride often gets in the way of your own well-being, especially when you try to do everything yourself and wind up overwhelmed. Your friends and family are there for support, and chances are they’d be more than willing to lighten the load by helping with chores and errands if you let them know how much you need it.

With these adjustments to your habits and lifestyle, your youthful energy and determination should return, and those around you will notice the difference. You owe it to yourself and to the people you love to give self-care a try.


Julia Merrill is on a mission. She wants to use information to close the gap between medical providers and their patients. She started to do just that. The site offers an abundance of information from tips on finding the right medical care to help with dealing with insurance companies to general health and wellness advice and more.


Fitness And Self-Care: How To Find The Perfect Balance

Photo via Pixabay by Lograstudios


Fitness and self-care are equally important, but they’re not one in the same. To live the best life you can, you must strike the right balance. For years, I overdid it with my fitness routine, but eventually I realized that I needed something more to truly take care of my

body and mind. Yoga turned out to be a significant part of that. Fitness burnout is real, but mindfulness and meditation can help!

Achieving a balance within your exercise and self-care routine can be difficult. Many people focus too much on their physical workout without dedicating much time to taking care of their mental and emotional health, but the fact is, they’re all important parts of your well-being. When you’re feeling low, it can affect your body as well as your mind; when you’re unfit or not feeling well, it can drag down your self-esteem and confidence.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to find the right balance for your lifestyle. Whether you work a busy schedule or have health concerns, there are many options out there to maintain your overall wellness. The key is not to overdo it, as this can lead to burnout or even injury. Start with a good plan and talk to your doctor beforehand so you’ll both be on the same page.

Read on for the best tips on maintaining your overall wellness.

Practice yoga

Yoga is essentially the perfect exercise. It can be done pretty much at any age, it doesn’t require a gym or any fancy equipment, it can be tailored for a low-impact workout for individuals who are battling health issues, and it incorporates meditation and a focus on staying in the moment rather than worrying about the past or future, which promotes the reduction of anxiety and stress. It can also be done just about anywhere, meaning you can bring your mat to work and do a few poses on your lunch break if your busy schedule has been getting in the way of your workout. You can even find a spare room in your home to set up a home gym to practice yoga.

Heal yourself

Fitness routines are important parts of a healthy life, and if you’ve battled health issues or are in substance abuse recovery, your routine can even help you heal. Depending on your mobility and how healthy you are, you may need to alter your workout to ensure your safety; talk to your doctor to make sure you’re not overdoing it. In many cases, simply walking everyday can help you build up muscle strength and recover physical damage that has occurred in the past.

Make time for yourself

Making time for yourself can help you reduce stress and improve your relationships by default, so set aside some time to go for a swim, take a hike with the dog, or enjoy your favorite hobby. Incorporating the things you love into an active life will help you feel better both physically and mentally, and it will give you a chance to get away from the stresses of the world for a little while. For more great ideas on self-care, check out this TED Talk.

Spend time with an animal

Spending time with an animal has been shown in studies to reduce stress and anxiety and can even lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, especially in seniors or individuals who suffer from a mood disorder such as depression. Spend a little time each day taking your dog to the local park or playing in the backyard, which can benefit both of you. If you don’t own a pet, consider heading to the local shelter to volunteer, or take up a part-time job as a dog walker.

Finding a good balance between physical fitness and self-care can be tricky. While you never want to overexert yourself or add more stress into your day, sometimes you need to think about the best ways to alter your schedule to allow for a little lifestyle change. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to stay healthy and safe, and communicate with your loved ones as well.

How Your Mattress Plays a Role in Your Quality of Sleep


Sheila Olson is on a journey of self-exploration; finding the relationship between fitness motivation and self-care. Overdoing the "fitness motivation" side of the equation for years - she pushed and goaded herself along until she learned that fitness burnout is real and can happen to anyone who isn't careful about keeping an eye on balance. She offers her readers inspiring fitness articles on her website at

If you’re tossing and turning in the night and don’t know why, there’s a chance your mattress is to blame. What you sleep on plays a huge role in the quality of sleep you get. The wrong mattress for your sleep style and/or using an old mattress can be the reason you don’t feel rested even if you’re getting the right amount of sleep.

Your Sleep Quality Is Important

There is more to getting a good night of sleep than the recommended seven to nine hours a night. During that time, you should pass through all four stages of the sleep cycle uninterrupted. If you’re using a poor mattress that causes you to toss and turn, you’re not getting the right quality of sleep.

Poor sleep leads to a whole host of physical and mental health issues. According to Healthline, sleep deprivation can lead to depression, weight gain, weakened immune system, and heart issues. On top of that, a poor mattress can cause back and joint pain. This is why your quality of sleep is just as important as how much you sleep.

Your Old Mattress Is Causing You Pain

It’s estimated that 80 percent of adults experience lower back pain. If you’re sleeping on an old mattress, it may be the reason. A sagging middle causes your spine to misalign when you sleep, which causes lower back and neck pain. When you first wake up, if you can stretch out the pain within 15 to 30 minutes, it is certainly the mattresses fault.

Try to catch the signs before you experience the pain. HuffPost recommends you look for depressions in the mattress, particularly in the middle and edges of the bed. Once you see these, it is time to get a new mattress.

You’re Allergic to Your Mattress

The lifespan of most mattresses is about eight years. Even if you take good care of your mattress and still sleep well on it, you are probably still due for a new mattress after about a decade. By this time, years of dust, dead skin cells, and sweat have accumulated in the mattress. This can lead to dust mites, which can trigger your allergies.

If you are constantly waking up with a stuffy and runny nose, there is a chance you are allergic to your mattress. This can also prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. To avoid this, try airing out your mattress when you can and putting allergy-proof bed covers over your mattress.

Choose the Right Mattress for You

When mattress shopping, do not get too wrapped up in the price tag. The most expensive mattress may not be the best mattress for you. Instead, do some research and pick out a mattress that suits your sleep style.

It is also important that you test drive your mattress. The firmness level of a mattress will vary based on personal preference. Be sure to lay on the mattress for at least 15 minutes and try out various sleep positions. You want to make sure you’ll be comfortable on it all night long.

Care for Your Mattress

Mattresses are expensive, so it's tempting to avoid purchasing a new one. However, a good mattress is well worth it for a good night’s sleep. Think of it as an investment and then take the proper steps to care for it to prolong its life.

Make sure your new mattress is installed properly. Purchasing a proper bed frame and setting it on a good box spring can go a long way in preventing your mattress from sagging. It is also a good idea to rotate your mattress every few months to keep it from wearing out in one spot.

Sleep Tight

Getting a quality night’s sleep is incredibly important to your health, and where you sleep plays a huge role in this. Make sure your mattress is right for you. You spend about a third of your life in bed, so you want to be comfortable there.


Julia Merrill is on a mission. She wants to use information to close the gap between medical providers and their patients. She started to do just that. The site offers an abundance of information from tips on finding the right medical care to help with dealing with insurance companies to general health and wellness advice and more.  

Photo via Pixabay by Dagon_


Millions of Americans battle with sleepless nights or interrupted sleep, and the reasons are varied; some are dealing with stress or anxiety, while others have young children who cannot get on a good rest schedule. No matter what the reasons are, not being able to get adequate rest can have negative effects on many different aspects of your life, from your physical and mental health to your mood and your ability to perform at work or school. That is why it is so important to create a good sleep environment and to learn your body’s cues, which will allow you to focus on your needs.

It is also important to give yourself a workout every day. Not only is regular exercise great for your heart, blood circulation, balance, and mental health, it can help tire you out for a more restful sleep at the end of the day. Joining an expensive gym is not required; yoga, working with free weights, and simply running around in the backyard with the dog are all great ways to get in a workout.

Keep reading for some great tips on how to get better sleep, no matter what your age is.

Make your bedroom a relaxation haven

Your bedroom should be a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed, so it is a good idea to remove any clutter from the space. Keeping things neat and organized will boost your mental health and keep you from feeling overwhelmed and anxious. You can also change out the lighting so that it is softer, especially if you spend a lot of time in your room before going to bed. Go here for some great tips on how to design your bedroom for ultimate relaxation.

Invest in some good blackout curtains that will keep the sun at bay in the mornings, and think about removing the television if you have one; studies have shown that watching TV or spending time on the computer or other device can have a negative effect on your sleep habits.

Get in some exercise

Getting regular exercise is important for everyone, but when you are having trouble with your sleep cycle, it is especially imperative to get active. Whether you want to go for a hike, ride a bike, do some yoga, or play a sport with the kiddos, working out will help release chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and tired, allowing you to rest easier when bedtime rolls around.

Set a nap schedule

It can be tricky to set a nap schedule and stick to it, but it is important to do so for younger kids. They may insist that they do not need to rest, but most kids under five need at least a brief break mid-day, especially if they wake up early in the morning. Sticking closely to a naptime schedule can prevent meltdowns and will allow your child to get some rest well before bedtime.

Form a routine

Routines are important for everyone, not just children; they help us feel in control and allow us to know what comes next. For little ones, having a bedtime routine is essential, and it can help you get better rest, as well. Try to do baths just before bed, as this will help your child relax. After he brushes his teeth, read a favorite book. It might be a good idea to refrain from going over the events of the day right before bed, because it may stimulate your little one’s mind and prevent him from being able to sleep for a while.

Getting better sleep is necessary for people of all ages; it can help you feel more energetic, boost your mental health and agility, and keep your mood stabilized. Look for ways you can get better rest, and help yourself and your family get on a good routine. With a little bit of planning, you and your loved ones will be sleeping well in no time.


Julia Merrill is on a mission. She wants to use information to close the gap between medical providers and their patients. She started to do just that. The site offers an abundance of information from tips on finding the right medical care to help with dealing with insurance companies to general health and wellness advice and more. 

Four Ways that Physical Exercise Trains the Mind

Image via Pixabay


What comes to mind when you think about brain training? For most people, it’s probably crosswords, Sudoku and online puzzle games. But as CNN explains, many scientists are skeptical of such methods, and say the best way to train your brain is actually to train your body. That’s right -- physical exercise not only improves your health and your figure, it’s also good for the mind. Read on to learn the key benefits!

Mental Health

According to Psychology Today, exercise can be as effective as standard drug treatments for conditions including depression and anxiety. Many doctors recommend exercise programs to people with such disorders with impressive results. But how does this work? The effects seem to come partly through blood flow in the brain -- your body gets more efficient at delivering oxygen and other nutrients to where they are needed in the brain. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, also known as “feel-good” chemicals, which can stop a bad mood right in its tracks. There may also be psychological benefits, for example through improved body image, or in the way that exercise programs add a sense of routine to your life.


After the age of 40, the brain shrinks in size by around 5 percent per decade. This is why most people experience normal, age-related cognitive decline. But others experience more serious problems like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise can help prevent this. Studies show that exercise can help maintain or increase the size of the brain -- especially the hippocampus, a part of the brain strongly linked to memory. People who exercise regularly are at much lower risk of age-related cognitive decline and generally have better memory than people who don’t exercise. In fact, one study found that your ability to learn is enhanced directly after high-intensity exercise -- so if you need to remember something, review it right after a workout.


In many ways, concentration is like the master brain-training skill. You remember things better if you focus intently on them. You make better decisions if you’re able to concentrate your thinking on finding solutions. And you can work faster if your mind is less distracted. Well, good news: According to several studies, exercise can also help you concentrate. The effects of exercise on focus are so strong that it might even be useful in people who suffer from ADHD and similar disorders of attention. Again, the effects are thought to be because of positive changes in the brain, such as better blood flow and a better balance of certain brain chemicals.

Addiction Recovery

Scientists have known for some time that addictive substances cause damage to the brain. Continued use causes brain cells to die off in certain brain regions -- mainly, the areas associated with mood, memory, concentration and decision-making. As you may have just noticed, these are the same areas that exercise heals. In other words, aerobic exercise and nutrition can help undo the damage done by substance abuse. This fits in nicely with the holistic approach to recovery.

Western medicine is often criticized because it heals the disease, but not the person. The holistic approach is to look at the person as a whole, because there might be common causes to the different problems that you face. With exercise and well-balanced, healthy meals, you aid your recovery while at the same time improving your physical health, mental health and fitness.

Start Today

If you’re new to fitness, you’ll want to start with a fairly easy routine of walking and gradually building up the speed and time you walk for over a few weeks. You won’t see huge results right away -- but if you keep at it, you’ll soon start noticing a little extra mental sharpness. Start by going for a walk today!


Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new book, which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.

Making the Most of Major Life Transitions 

Image via Pexels


A lot of people love for things to stay the same. There’s security in familiarity and that security allows them to let their guard down and feel comfortable. Of course, nothing stays the same for long. Eventually we all go through some sort of major life transition whether it be the end of a relationship, starting a family, or moving to a new city. While these events come with their fair share of stresses, they don’t have to be negative experiences. In fact, with the right attitude a person can take a big life change and use it as an opportunity to craft the kind of life they always wanted.

Recognize Your Life Transition as an Opportunity

Facing a big transition is scary. You’re trying to navigate uncharted territory and there’s no telling what kind of obstacles you may come up against. However, you have to look past the anxiety that comes with the unknown and refocus your perspective on how this is an opportunity for growth. Instead of fearing the unknown, remember that this is your chance to cut out toxic relationships, establish healthy habits, and pursue a life with less stress.

To shift your perspective, it helps to reach out to a trusted friend or loved one that you can bounce ideas off of. Tell them about your worries and anxieties. Ask for their point of view and note all the positive effects this change can have on your life. It sounds really simple, and in reality it is. But just because talking it out is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful and effective.

Create Concrete Goals

We all have dreams of the things we want to do in life that don’t always seem possible. Your big life change is the perfect opportunity to make those dreams a reality. Even if you don’t quite get there, the work you put in can lead to positive changes and growth. When you have an actionable goal, you are motivated by purpose. Having that kind of motivation can help prevent feelings of hesitation and fear. When setting your goal, follow these steps

Make a decision regarding what your goal is.

Write it down. Add details about why it’s your goal and what you hope to gain from achieving it.

Communicate your goal to someone else. Verbalizing your goal helps to make it real.

Break down how you will accomplish your goal step-by-step.

Prepare yourself to take that first step towards reaching your goal. Gather resources and complete the action. From there, you only have to focus on the next step…

Persevere. Even if you get sidetracked from time to time, you can always regain focus and keep going.

Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. Positive reinforcement encourages you to continue on towards reaching your goal.                

Remember: you got this!

Prepare as Much as Possible

Benjamin Franklin once saidan ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” While he was talking about fire prevention specifically, the axiom applies to just about everything in life. By making proper preparations ahead of a major life change, you can prevent problems head on instead of cleaning up messes as they occur.

For instance, if you are moving to another city, saving money and being financially ready can provide you with the safety net you need for the inevitable surprise expenses that come up during this common transition. You can use a moving cost calculator to estimate the baseline of what you will need to move, then add 15-20% of those costs to your back up fund for safety. Knowing you have that security just in case helps provide confidence so you can make this transition a positive experience.


The familiar is comfortable and safe, but life throws big changes at you whether you like it or not. To handle a major life transition like moving, starting a family, or divorce, it’s best to shift your perspective and see it as an opportunity rather than a scary unknown. Making goals is a great way to stay motivated and distract you from fear. Preparing yourself for the transition as best you can also provides a safety net that enhances your confidence as you move forward.


Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new book, which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.

How Alternative Recovery Methods Can Help Break the Cycle of Addiction

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On the morning of Prince’s death, he was scheduled to speak to an opioid addiction expert. Heartbreakingly, his addiction took his life before he was able to take the steps to overcome it. This story is just part of a growing trend of opioid and prescription pill addictions. Addiction (and addiction-related deaths) are a growing trend throughout the United States and around the world. Luckily, it’s not too late to reverse this trend.

If you’re currently in the throes of addiction, the first step - admitting the addiction - is often the most difficult. Afterwards, you can work towards health, well-being, and recovery. This path looks different for each individual. Yours might include traditional treatments, alternative recovery methods, or a combination of both. You should do some research so you can better understand which type of addiction treatment is right for you.

Alternative addiction treatments help reduce stress, calm your mind, improve health, and boost your quality of life during recovery. However, due to the high rates of relapse, you might want to stick to traditional addiction recovery treatments if you’re just starting your recovery process and/or are dealing with withdrawal symptoms.

If you’re not currently in withdrawal, ask a professional whether holistic therapies and alternative addiction treatments might help you. If you decide alternative therapies might be right for you, you might consider these healing techniques during your recovery:

Naturally Ease Your Mind.

From essential oils to massage therapy to reiki, there are many ways to naturally soothe your body, mind and emotions during addiction recovery. Yoga and meditation have also proven effective. Self-help author and member of Oprah’s prestigious SuperSoul 100 trailblazer group, Gabrielle “Gabby” Bernstein, credits her own recovery from substance abuse and alcoholism to the power of prayer and meditation.

“The key to recovering from addiction is to establish a deep inner awareness. ... Redirecting our search for peace from the outside in is the most crucial step to getting sober and staying on a path,” Bernstein says. Bernstein recommends following your prayers with meditation, including specific meditations designed to help overcome your addiction. This combination helped her overcome addictions to substances, workaholism, and even codependency, allowing her to achieve personal and professional success beyond her wildest dreams.

Connect with a Higher Power

Speaking of prayer, your faith can also play an important role in addiction recovery. Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or simply believe that God, the Universe or another Higher Power has your back, any of these beliefs can help you recover. Research has shown religion is linked to well-being and there’s a 92% correlation between religious faith and improved mental health. Multiple studies have proven that religion and spirituality boost our mental and emotional health and reduce chances of major depression by more than 75 percent. Your faith can be a powerful way to stay in the right mindset for recovery.

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise are important during addiction recovery. Taking care of your body can supplement your recovery process by supercharging your ability to recover and regain your health post-addiction.

Many herbs have been scientifically shown to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, including St. John’s Wort, ayahuasca, Chinese sage, and ginseng, to name a few. You might consider sipping some herbal tea or purchasing some high-quality herbs to include in your daily diet and nutrition.

Above all else, get some physical activity each day and try to avoid sugars, which have been linked to addictive cravings. By eating nutritious foods and staying fit, you can nurture your body while you detox.

The best thing about holistic modalities is that they are good for the health and well-being of anyone, not just those in recovery. Of course, if you’re trying to kick your addiction, the alternative treatments listed above can be used in conjunction with talk therapy, addiction rehabilitation centers, and other traditional addiction recovery treatments. As with anything related to your health, just be sure to do some research and talk to trained professionals before starting any new treatment.


Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new book, which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.

Prioritizing your own needs sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Often, we put the the well-being of others in front of our own. Though it’s rewarding to take care of our kids or lead people at work, it’s also physically and emotionally draining, which leads to stress and fatigue.

If you don’t take action, you could soon experience burnout, along with a deterioration in your mental and physical health. You can’t afford to let that happen, for your own sake as well as the people who depend on your strength and patience. Fortunately, there are some self-care techniques that can help.

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