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Reiki is a Great Self-Care Measure

I am a strong advocate in terms of teaching the importance of self-care skills, or finding ways to deal with stress in one's life. We all can benefit from learning to be kinder to ourselves. I encourage everyone to develop a list of "Self-Care/Comfort Measures" to incorporate into one's routine. Reiki has been an amazing self-care/comfort measure for me and I want to share its healing power with you. Perhaps it will be something you too will be adding to your list! Find what works for you. Here are a few examples:

Burn a scented candle

Burn some incense

Listen to music

Take a walk... barefoot and wiggle your toes in the grass!

Look up at the stars

Enjoy a cup of hot tea

Cuddle with a pet



Enjoy a bubble bath

Take a nap

Walk along the beach

Dance in the rain

Splash around in a mud puddle

Self-care needs to become a habit. We need to love ourselves and be kind to ourselves in order to cope with stress. We have to step away from the fight or flight mode and "just be". We need to practice mindfulness; learn to be present and in the moment. We need to breathe, smell, feel, hear, and see the joys of life. Don't let the stress steal the pleasure of day to day experiences that are right before you! Be in the moment. Learn to enjoy life and find balance. What makes life better, more enriching, more rewarding to you? It's time to learn to stop and smell the flowers, as they say.

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